
Bust reduction

Bust reduction

Breast reduction is a procedure that is indicated in patients with hypertrophic breasts (large volume) due to hormonal, hereditary, overweight, etc. factors.

This surgery is indicated for aesthetic or functional purposes.

  • Aesthetic purpose: improves the shape, size, symmetry, position of the nipple (lifting) and reduction of the size of the nipple.
  • Functional purposes problems such as pain in the back, shoulders or neck and dermatitis in the inframammary grooves are improved. It also improves performance in the exercise and daily activities that before the procedure were difficult to perform.

Which is the best way?

There are many ways to perform this procedure, the choice of technique will depend on factors such as size, shape, symmetry of the breast, degree of ptosis (breast-nipple fall), previous surgeries, patient preferences, etc.

Breast reduction surgery consists of removing mammary gland, excess skin and raising the nipple to the correct level,all this with the least amount of possible scar, which varies from a scar around the nipple, to a scar around the nipple + scar from the nipple to the inframammary sulcus, or from being a large reduction, an anchor scar.

With the current techniques in most of the time breastfeeding is conserved, likewise the sensitivity of the breast and the nipple are respected.

 Important Data on Bust Reduction Surgery

  • Duration of the bust reduction procedure: 3:00 Hrs
  • Type of Anesthesia: Epidural
  • nternment: 1 day
  • Recovery time of breast reduction: 2 to 3 weeks