Bichectomía en Monterrey
The region of the cheeks is an area that can be modified with great results for attention and with a small intraoral surgery (inside the mouth, this does not involve external scars).
The goal of this procedure is to decrease the volume of the cheeks to remove that "look" round the face and give a greater profile and contour to the face, by removing one of the layers of the cheek, which is the bichat adipose bag.
What is the best way?
The procedure consists of making una pequeña cicatriz por dentro de la boca menor de 1 cm a nivel de el segundo molar y quitar la bolsa adiposa de bichat. Al finalizar la cirugía se colocan puntos intraorales con material absorbible, esto significa que no hay necesidad de quitar los puntos. La recuperación es muy rápida de 3 a 5 días y se obtiene un resultado final aproximadamente en 2 meses. Es un procedimiento rápido, mínimamente invasivo y con mejora notable en la anatomía de la cara.
Important Facts about Bihectomy
- Duration of the Procedure: 30 min.
- Type of Anesthesia: Local or local with sedation.
- Procedure: Ambulatory
- Recovery Time: 1 week